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Play Instant scratchies Online

A long time ago, lotteries only offered daily and weekly drawings in which players had the chance to win different prizes. But over time, governments have realized that they can make much more money by letting people participate in lottery games at any time. This led to the launch of Instant scratchies: lottery tickets that can be bought in retail stores and scratched off to see if you have won a prize right away. With the exception of large jackpots, prizes can be retrieved from any counter.

Online casinos offer a wide variety of games, but some players still crave scratch card games. Therefore, many casino sites have included this type of game in their offer. The design of the cards has been faithfully recreated from the originals that players love.

How to Play

Online Instant scratchies are an easy game to play and no one will have much trouble handling them. Each casino operator offers a slightly different type of scratch card game, but the basic structure is usually the same for all operators.

Unlike traditional versions that had to be played for a certain amount of money, online versions allow players options on how much they want to play by lot. Usually the betting starts at $1 and many games also allow you to buy several tickets at once. So if you want to play several cards at once, you can buy the tickets at once and play quickly.

Each game has its own theme and winnings. In most cases, the objective is to find symbols or winning amounts. In many games, three (or any other number) of identical images pay out the winnings. Often the winnings are paid out as multipliers and are automatically measured by the amount paid per ticket: a 20x win, for example, pays out $20 for a $1 ticket, but $100 for a $5 ticket.

The game is simple. Players can use their mouse to “scratch off” the Instant scratchies and find out if they have won. In case you want to play the games faster, there is often a “show” button that immediately reveals the entire ticket. The game will then end automatically and you will be credited with any winnings from the ticket.


There is no strategy when playing a scratchcard. It is a game of chance and there is no way to influence the outcome of the game. You should keep your eyes open for the progressive jackpot. A much bigger jackpot than in normal games can increase the chances of winning.

Why should You Play this Game?

Pro’s of Instant scratchies are that they are quick, easy and quick to understand. We have talked about how there is no strategy involved in scratsh cards, but that doesn’t have to be negative. You do not have to make any big decisions while playing and you don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes. Instead, you can just enjoy the game.

Most Instant scratchies are not expensive and payout is fair. In addition, the casino rules do not limit this type of play from bonus offers, although many other games are impacted or only count a small percentage once the bonus promotion is claimed.

instant scratchies

Win Money with Scratchies

A combination of three of the same symbols or images usually provides a cash prize. In most cases, the cash prize is simply the amount of the card price. For example, if the card costs one dollar, the cash prize would be one dollar. However, in online scratchcards, you scratch up to find a multiple – three matching multipliers can get you a multiple of your initial bet.

Online scratchcards offer you big cash winnings – sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars – but the chances of winning a huge prize are small and isolated. Still, the thought of hitting the big prize is a temptation to buy online scratchcards. Often a player who buys a card for the minimum amount and wins the purchase price of the card will continue to ask for another card and so on. This actually means that an online scratch card makes very good money for the association that sells it.

Because they bring in such good money, many charities sell online scratchcards, with all the proceeds going to the charity, while only a relatively small amount is paid out in prizes. This is a very fun and easy way to raise real money for the charity.

Play Scratchies Online for Free

Unlike raffle tickets sold worldwide, online Instant scratchies can be played for free or with money. So if you’re still not convinced to play with real money, you can try the games just for fun. The free games offer a variety of Instant scratchies and you can choose which one you enjoy most before you start playing with money to win prizes.

If playing Instant scratchies has win your interest, we can help you get started right away. Register a casino account at a trusted online casino, which you can find in our Top-List, and you can start playing! There is no obligation to play with real money. Try the free versions of Instant scratchies and decide when you are ready to make a deposit.

Scratch Yourself Rich with Instant scratchies

Scratch off cards, also known as scratch off cards or scratch off tickets, are a popular alternative to lottery games and they are the easiest and cheapest games of chance you can play.

Online scratchcards are the Internet’s version of an instant lottery that you buy at your local store or kiosk around the corner – they are a neater and faster version of a favorite game of chance.

Lotteries are exciting and the prizes available are usually high and tempting. But with lotteries, you usually have to wait a long time – first when you stand in line and then when you wait for the days to pass before the results come in. Instant scratchies are mini lotteries that allow you to play the game right in the palm of your hand. All you have to do to play Instant scratchies is scratch open the top layer of the card, which will reveal the amounts or symbols hidden under the coating and you will know instantly if you have won a prize.

The Difference of Paper or Instant scratchies Online

Online Instant scratchies are a relatively new addition to the scene of gambling on the Internet, but the leap to the net was a logical transition for this instant lottery. Gambling online is all about comfort and ease, and this is especially the case with online Instant scratchies. Instead of going out and buying a card, you can play Instant scratchies online with a few clicks.

Another big difference between paper Instant scratchies and Internet Instant scratchies is that when you play online, you don’t have to bother with the silver coating under your fingernails. So all in all, you will find that playing Instant scratchies online is neat, fast, easy and fun.

The Simple Steps to Play Instant scratchies Online

Playing an online scratch card game involves only three simple steps. First select the amount of your wager. Then click on the New Card button. A new scratch card covered with the Casino logo will appear. Thirdly, click on the “Show Card” button. The coating will be scrubbed off and three symbols will appear underneath. If three of the symbols are the same, you win the amount represented by that symbol.

For example, if you have three “10X” symbols, you win 10 times the amount of your bet. If you have three “50X” symbols, you will win a jackpot of 50 times your bet.


And don’t forget that our site consists of more than just online scratchcards. We have many casinos who offer pokie machines, of course, and also thousands casino games, including online Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Craps and Roulette. Sign up to play with real money and you will receive a nice welcome bonus and in addition a lot of bonus offers. So make play for free at our site or join a internet casino to play Instant scratchies for real money!

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